Mar 12, 2021Liked by awards for good boys

I love so very much that you consistently provide such a delicate blend of leftist reading recommendations and pigeon-adjacent humor. Thank you for filling this important niche.

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Hi! I'm from Honduras. IWD here is a mix between brands trying to paint us as "God's most wonderful creation" while trying to sell us shit, people congratulating us since they don't know about the origins of the day AND various feminist marches/events/webinars all over the country.

This year I felt bad because I could not participate in either the Honduran Women's Day in January (in commemoration of getting the right to vote) or the 8M (as IWD is commonly know here/in Latin America) march because of COVID/living with my grandparents/fear of the virus in general because the government has not handled the health crisis at all. It sucked!!!

Despite knowing the origins of the day, this year's march focused on demanding justice for the wave of femicides in the country. The situation was (is!) already worrying, but in February it worsened. For example, a nursing student was murdered inside a police station for breaking the curfew imposed as a COVID "prevention measure" by the government (more on that here: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/12/honduras-femicide-keyla-martinez-women-violence).

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