Apr 6, 2021Liked by awards for good boys

I've been attacked by a rooster while ON A HORSE. That little fucker saw me on top of a giant horse and thought, "Yeah. I can take that." Its a shame my horse didn't manage to kick him. I carried a whip around after that.

The property was listed for sale soon after that, and I happened to be present during one viewing when some well off family was calmly strolling about, imagining a beautiful, serene life in the country.... when suddenly their small child comes screaming around the house, chased by the rooster at full speed. Thats life in the country for ya.

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I have to add to the rooster discussion! I grew up on a farm (hydroponic lettuce now, but we had a small assortment of animals - 30 chickens, four goats, a goose- when I was young), and roosters are SO MEAN! You can't turn your back to them, they *will* attack you from behind. Hens are literally so nice and roosters honestly? bring down the vibe in the coop. Am I still scarred from being attacked by roosters as a child, occluding any objectivity? Possibly.

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I would like to add to the testimonials that I, too, have been chased by a rooster on my godmother's farm while collecting eggs. She left me in the barn for one second and it started flapping and pecking at me almost immediately. The same rooster chased my brother into a car and then circled it so he couldn't get out. But somehow I still love the little assholes.

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Loving the continuation of the chaotic bird content! Also I forgot to comment last week but the men therapy newsletter was great :)

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Roosters are assholes. I grew up in the country and at various points we had chickens. The chickens slept in a coop, but roamed the yard during the day. We had one rooster that used to chase & try to peck you whenever you went outside. We carried a whiffle ball bat with us in case we needed to fend him off. That was also the one summer I played softball (poorly). One time I swung at him as hard as 10 year could and managed to hit him in the head (which was surprising - I was not good at softball). He shook his head and gave me a good stare, and then avoided me for about 2 months. He must have eventually forgotten the incident because he went back to his old terrorizing habits...

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